U.S. Marine Corps
Lance Corporal Clore was a certified Explosives Detector Dog Handler, a position that put him ahead of his unit while on patrol. Peter was a person not afraid to take the lead in life.
As a boy Peter attended primary school at Sacred Heart Church and was active in parish life. He was an altar server during regular and funeral Masses, and earned recognition in the 8th grade for his outstanding service to the church. As he grew in faith, Peter served as a Eucharistic Minister, and was active in the youth ministries of the church. Peter was also a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is remembered as an industrious, patriotic young man.
Peter was a Boy Scout and achieved the rank of Life Scout which meant that he was expected to be a role model and leader in the troop, provide guidance to new scouts and help the troop however he can.
As a member of the Sacred Heart Youth Group, Peter was involved with many projects through the years including his participation in the Ohio Special Olympics State Summer Games, Vacation Bible School, and a variety of Church related outreach programs , mission trips, and special volunteer opportunities throughout the state.
Upon graduation in 2006 from Tuscarawas Central Catholic High School, Peter was awarded the Bishop Herrmann Service Award for Outstanding Service to school and community. He was also the recipient of a scholarship from the Carl C. Stoller Post #1445 of the VFW of New Philadelphia.
Feeling a call to life in the priesthood, Peter completed his first year of education at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. He next enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2008. While at boot camp on Paris Island, SC., he was recognized for his service to his fellow recruits as a Religious Lay Leader. In January, 2010, Peter deployed to Haiti to assist in providing earthquake relief. Later in that year, he became a certified dog handler for the Marine Corps and next deployed to Afghanistan in March, 2011.
Stephanie Reitmann, a neighbor, fondly recalled how proud Peter was when he would earn one of his many badges or awards as a Boy Scout, particularly because he was helping others. “He was a good kid, one who really helped the community,” she said.
Judy Loar who came to support the Clore family reminded people that, “Peter and all the other young men and women who volunteer into any branch of the military are willing to give up their tomorrows so that we can have ours. They do this so that we can have our freedom.”
Lance Corporal Clore lay in state at the county courthouse. It is the way this community offers everyone the chance to say good bye. It was the perfect venue for the hundreds who came. Captain Kelby Breivogel expressed the gratitude of the Marine Corps for the public’s support of Lance Corporal Clore and his family. And added, “We always have Marines with the casket so as to never leave the Marine alone and always protect him as people come to view and express condolences and say good-bye in their own way. We’re always there to protect him as a brother of ours and eventually say our last good-byes ourselves.”
Peter’s good nature was evident in his advice at any gathering of family and friends : “Life is short, eat dessert first!” Peace be always with your spirit.