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Lucas C Scott

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U.S. Marine Corps



Close to a thousand mourners lined the streets of Peebles Thursday afternoon to watch a police motorcade escort the body of U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Lucas C. Scott home. Scott was killed Dec. 3 while conducting hostile combat operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, according to the Department of Defense. He had celebrated his 20th birthday only two days before he died.

Jerry Pack, commander of the American Legion Post 594, Peebles, said police and fire departments have been arriving from all over the state to pay their respects.

“People are already standing along the streets waiting when its a good two hours or more before he arrives. They’re going to freeze in this weather by then. I understand his body is being flown into an airport near Portsmouth (Ohio),” said Pack.

“I knew him only briefly, but he was always a super nice kid. He went to school with my kids,” said Pack.

Scott jointed the Marines in June 2009 and was promoted to Lance corporal March 1, 2010. He was deployed overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in June 2010, according to the Marine Division reports.

Daniel R. Bubp, a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps and a member of the Ohio House of Representatives said, “Everyone said he was such a wonderful young man

Scott was a graduate of Peebles High School. His birthday was this past Tuesday. And his cousin Rebekah Warner said that since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a Marine.

“The most important thing to him was always the Marines,” said Warner.

With his death she lost her childhood playmate, she said.

“He always played the big tough Marine, which he was, but when I looked at him I always saw a little boy with blue eyes,” continued Warner.

“His citizenship was exemplary. He was a fine student and a fine young man,” said Dave Angles, Peebles High School’s assistant principal. Angles would occasionally share the high school weight room with Scott.

“I remember that he worked out often. I was back there and saw him a lot. I think he was doing that for a couple of reasons so that he would excel at sports and to prepare himself for the service.”

Scott was due to come home on leave Jan. 17. His family made the decision they wouldn’t celebrate Christmas until he came home.

“His wanting to be a Marine scared us to death. He would just say guys this is what I want to do. If you love me you’re going to have to support me,” remembered Warner.

She said that a few days before Scott was killed; shrapnel struck him. She explained that he was told to take a few days to recover but he insisted on being out with his unit.

“At first I felt so bad that he died without any family there but I know that isn’t true. His fellow Marines were his family.” At Peebles’ home basketball game Friday night, the entire gym observed a moment of silence in his honor. In the crowd was Scott’s younger brother Eli, who is a senior this year. Eli is headed into the Marine Corps when he graduates this spring.


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