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John E Hale

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Staff Sergeant Mark A Moon

I have often thought about John since his death. I knew him for only a brief time. I feel honored that I was given the opportunity to meet him. I was a Sgt going through the school of infantry in John’s class as a fellow student. He immediately struck me as a young, motivated, and level headed “kid”.

His positive attitude and smile was infectious and I will never forget the him as a source of motivation.

From Richard Marquis – December 18, 2006

John was a really good friend of mine. He lived 3 houses down from me when I was 8 years old till I was 14 in Keithville, on Colquitt Rd. We always hung out and had a good time. John was always shooting his b-b gun outside and always was fascinated in shooting. He was like a big brother. I used to call him (Big John), because he would always stick up for me no matter what.

John made his life worth living and didn’t waste one second of it. He was the one to give advice and tell u if you’re doing something wrong. When I turned 14, I moved to a different house in Shreveport and shortly after, he moved too. We still stayed in contact until he joined the Marines. I remember shaking his hand at the All-Star Bowling Lanes about 3 months before he was killed. He was the most honorable and polite guy I knew. He had a goal and achieved it, and I remember him telling me that day that he was proud of the way I’ve brought myself to be and that I need to keep going and fulfill my dreams.

John was a huge influence in my life, and I’m sure he was to a lot of lives. I know he is in Heaven and I know God is very proud of the way he served his life on Earth.

In Loving Memory

From Paula Moreno

John was adopted from an orphanage in the Phillipines and raised in Shreveport. He played football for Huntington High School, was a commander in JROTC, a Police Explorer, a Boy Scout, a Christian, a good son, a true friend and a great man. He was mature beyond his years and expressed himself in art, writing and human interaction. He fulfilled his dream of becoming a Marine and serving his country. After less than three months in country, John was killed in action when an IED hit a unit’s vehicle. He died in Al Anbar Province, Iraq on October 6, 2006.

His dad purchased the Harley Davidson John had intended to buy upon his return to the States. It has been specially painted with his pictures and symbols of his unit and the Corps. It now serves as a tribute to his memory, his life, his love and his service. It also represents freedom of the open road…freedom that he gave his life to protect. Writing about John is still hard. I’ll close with his own words posted on his myspace.

“I can’t wait to get home. One way or the other I’ll be back. Just remember I live for U and if anything were to happen that I was not alone. If U hop on the internet and find those lil film clips that they make about killing hostages and killing coalition forces they R A force that needs to be wiped out. I fight so that they won’t come and do those acts to my family, friends, and the people that live and breathe in the U.S. that enjoy our Freedoms.

I live for my home. I’m a Marine and what I do, I do for U.”


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