U.S. Army
03/03/2007, BAGHDAD, IRAQ
Brandon had a big presence, he was 6’ 3” tall and his energy filled the room, but he was never looking to be the center of attention in a crowd. Brandon was a dare devil, we spent most of his child hood in emergency rooms repairing injuries caused by biking, skateboarding and snowboarding accidents, everything had to be bigger and faster then the last injury causing stunt. Brandon was very cuddly; you never made it in or out of a room without one of his engulfing hugs and big forehead kisses. He was taller then me from the age of 12, so we had allot of who is in charge here kinda fun. Brandon liked to tackle me in public places and sit on me until I gave in and proclaimed that he was in charge. Just a really funny kid, with a huge heart and was always on the side of the underdog. Brandon was easily befriended and loved by every person he met.
Brandon was my only child, my miracle child. I was told very early that I would not be able to have children, but when I found out I was pregnant, I just knew he was a blessing being sent to me for some special purpose. Brandon’s calling in this world was a life of service. Brandon entered a life of service as a fire fighter, fighting forest fires. I hated it, I couldn’t sleep knowing he was in harms way. Brandon would always try to calm me by saying “I can’t just say someone should do something and stand back and do nothing”. I remember a conversation shortly after the 9-11 attacks when Brandon introduced the idea of joining the military. The conversation was very similar to the earlier conversations about his need to fight fires. I knew if he joined, he would be going straight into a war, and so did he. I tried to convince him to choose another path, but he felt he owed something to the families who had lost a loved one in the attacks. This was who my child was, he believed that he had a duty to serve this country in some capacity. While we are in aw of those with such bravery, Brandon saw it as a responsibility.
Brandon met and married the love of his life, Shannon. In 2002 they welcomed their son Nicholas into the world. Brandon approached marriage and fatherhood with the same passion he had for life. He loved them both so much. My life was complete seeing his happiness.
After a year of trying to convince Shannah and I of his need to serve our country, Brandon joined the Army. Brandon was quickly deployed to Iraq for a year in 2003-2004 and again for his last deployment in 2006-2007. Brandon advanced quickly in the military, reaching the rank of Sergeant with the 630th Military Police Battalion.
I last hugged my son during a 2 week rest break at Christmas 2006. Brandon told me he had decided to reenlist when he got back to Iraq. Before I even had a chance to object, Brandon replied “I would rather it be me, then to know another soldier will have to go to war to replace me”. Brandon’s life was taken by the evil of this world on March 3, 2007, by an IED that was buried in the road. The IED exploded the fuel tank killing my son, SGT Ashley Moyer and SGT Michael Peek.
Brandon served his country with pride and while many of us will call him a hero, he would never have agreed. Like all things, he would tell us it was his responsibility as an American to serve.