Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation
"Our mission is to honor the American and our allies Fallen Heroes for their ultimate sacrifice during the war against terrorism. The foundation will provide the resources to produce and distribute to each family a hand-drawn portrait of their Fallen Hero, created by artist Michael G. Reagan, free of charge. Each portrait is intended to show our Love and Respect for these Heroes and their families.”

All donations, regardless of size, help support the Fallen Heroes Portrait Project.
Michael Reagan and Fallen Heroes
Custom Portraits
Custom Portraits of Fallen Heroes
Drawn Free of Charge
What if all you had left of a loved one were photos and memories? For those having a family member killed as a member of the military in the War Against Terrorism, that is all families have left. Using a family's favorite photo, a professional custom hand-drawn portrait is available free of charge to families of all servicemen and women killed in Iraq or Afghanistan from portrait artist Michael Reagan.

Total Portraits Created: 6,250
Michael Reagan is an internationally recognized artist who has assisted charities such as Seattle's Children's Hospital raise more than $10 million through his drawn and donated autographed celebrity portraits. Over a span of three decades, he has drawn some 10,000 portraits including more than 1,500 portraits of celebrities, professional athletes, U.S. Presidents, and other heads of state. He has to date created and sent to families more than 6,250 portraits of Fallen Heroes. The number swells with each passing day.
Concerning Portrait Requests Other than the Current War on Terror:
As much as the Fallen Hero Portrait Project artist, Michael Reagan, would like to provide portraits of all fallen heroes for all circumstances at no charge, he is our sole artist and we simply cannot accommodate all requests. If your Fallen Hero passed away as a result of the current war on terror (terrorist attack, Iraq or Afghanistan), we will gladly honor the first request from each family and provide a portrait to you at no charge. If your request is other than this, we can most likely still provide a portrait to you at Michael’s reduced normal fee. This is typically between $500 and $750 for a single person in the portrait. Thank you for your understanding ... we wish we could do all of the portraits for all of you but it is just not possible.
Partnership with the Honor and Remember Foundation
Remembering America’s Fallen Military
The Honor and Remember organization is partnering with the Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation to provide a free custom portrait of Fallen Heroes from internationally acclaimed artist Michael Reagan to each qualifying family. The Michael G. Reagan Portrait Foundation provides one free portrait to those families who have lost a loved one due to the war on terror while Honor and Remember presents unique personalized flags. It is their goal to present these portraits and flags together at specific ceremonies.